
Foto von Textblatt Foto: Frank Lütke

Wave of Joy hat sich dem Contemporary Black Gospel verschrieben. Hierbei interpretieren wir Gospelstücke zeitgenössischer Komponisten aus den USA oder Schweden wie Kirk Franklin, Richard Smallwood, Anna Weister Andersson und weiteren Komponisten, die direkt mit unserer Chorleiterin Angelika Rehaag und der gospel academy krefeld zusammenarbeiten.

Unser Repertoire umfasst u. a. folgende Stücke:


Agnus Dei (Michael W. Smith/ Donnie McClurkin)

Awesome God (Rich Mullins)


Be still and behold (Anna Weister Andersson)

Blessed be the name of the Lord (Clarence Eggleton)


Celebrate (Gary Oliver)

Come let us worship the Lord (Nettie L. Sawyer Lester, Stephen Key )


Days of Elijah (Robin Mark) 

Der Herr segne Euch (Friedemann Lutz)

Draw me close (Michael W. Smith)


Emmanuel (Norman Hutchins)

Every praise (Hezekiah Walker)

Everything (Israel Houghton)


For Every Mountain (Kurt Carr)


Give glory to god saints (traditional)

God’s gift to mankind (Cynthia Nunn)

God will multiply (Anna Weister Andersson)

Goin' up yonder (Walter Hawkins)


Hallelujah, salvation and glory (Cynthia Nunn)

He will hold me fast (Ada Habershon, Matt Merker)

Here I am to worship (Tim Hughes)

He’s got the whole world (Medley, traditional)

Holy, holy, holy (Piotr Nazaruk)

How great is Our God (Chris Tomlin)


I feel the spirit (Sheri Jones Moffett, Daniel Moore)

I love the Lord (Richard Smallwood)

I'm gonna ride (Traditional / Cyndee Peters)

In the beauty of holiness (Nettie L. Sawyer, Arr. S. Key)

I need to survive (Hezekiah Walker)

I open my mouth (Cynthia Nunn)

It's a good day (Kurt Carr)

I've got my mind made up (Norman Hutchins)


Jesus is right here now (Anna Weister Andersson)

Joy of my salvation (Jeffrey La Valley)

Jul, jul, stralande jul (Gustaf Nordqvist, Edvard Evans)


Lead me, oh Lord (Clarence Eggleton)
Lift Him up (Rickey Grundy, P. Henderson)
Lord, I'm available to You (Carlis Moody Jr.)

Lord, I know I’ve been changed (traditional)

Lord, I lift your name on high (Arr.: Walt Whitman)


Magnificent and holy (Israel Houghton)


My life is in Your hands (Kirk Franklin)

My hope is in You (Anna Weister Andersson)

My Shepherd ( Kurt Carr)

My soul loves Jesus (unknown)


No greater (Alvin Love)

No greater love (Joeworn Martin, Hezekiah Walker)

Now I'm on my way (Freddie Fuller)


Oh come all ye faithful

O come, o come Immanuel (traditional)

O holy night (Adolphe Adam, Carl Marsh, Placide Cappeau,
John Sullivan Dwight)

One word (Kurt Carr)

Only You are holy (Donnie McClurkin)

Open the eyes of my heart (Paul Baloche)

Order my steps (Glen Burleigh)


People of God (Anna Weister Andersson)
Perfect Praise (Brenda Moore)
Praise be to God (Clarence Eggleton)
Praise the Lord almighty (Piotr Nazaruk)
Praise ye the Lord (Clarence Eggleton)

Prayers of the Righteous (Aaron & Adrian M. Lindsey, Israel Houghton)


Reign (Curt Carr)


Segen (Arr. Lasse Axelsson)

Sing we now of Christmas (Trad.) 

Shout to the Lord (Darlene Zschech)

Speak into my heart (Anna Weister Andersson)


Take me to the water (Clarence Eggleton)

The Angel Gabriel (traditional)

The Lord inhabits the praises of His people (Dana Powell)

The Lord just keeps on blessing me (Lisa Nelson)
The love of Jesus (Anna Weister Andersson)

The song of our longing hearts (Piotr Nazaruk)

The UK Blessing (Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes)

This little light of mine (traditional)

Total praise (Richard Smallwood)

To You (Anna Weister Andersson)


We pray (Joakim Arenius)

Welcome into this place (Orlando Jaurez)

We shall overcome (Trad.)
What child is this (16th Century English Melody / William C. Dix)

When I need a friend (Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland, Will Champion,
Chris Martin)


You are good (Israel Houghton)

You're all I need (Jason Clayborn)

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